
How can advertising machines create greater value in the “outdoor” digital signage market?

Advertising machine is a new generation of intelligent equipment, through terminal software control, network information transmission and multimedia terminal display constitutes a complete advertising control system, and through pictures, text, video, small plug-ins (weather, exchange rate, etc.) and other multimedia materials for advertising; Advertising machine is a new generation of intelligent equipment that uses standard LCD monitor and LCD TV to display information and play video advertisements by means of networking and multimedia system control. Advertising machine mainly realizes building/outdoor LCD advertising: refers to the commercial terminal advertising system in the form of LCD screen or LCD screen in commercial buildings, stores, supermarkets, campuses and other channels, with TV advertising programs and other programs as the means of expression.

The introduction of advertising machine

Advertising is a kind of publicity means to convey information to the public openly and widely through certain forms of media for certain specific needs. Advertisement has broad sense and narrow sense, broad sense advertisement includes non - economic advertisement and economic advertisement. Non-economic advertising refers to the advertising not for the purpose of profit, also known as effect advertising, such as government administrative departments, social institutions and individuals of various announcements, notices, statements, etc., the main purpose is to promote; In the narrow sense, advertising only refers to economic advertising, also known as commercial advertising, which is for the purpose of profit. It is usually an important means of information communication between commodity producers, operators and consumers, or an important form of enterprises to occupy the market, promote products and provide services, and its main purpose is to expand economic benefits.

The advertising machine industry has entered a round of fierce competition in the low tide situation, on the one hand by the small processing plants from some other industries to join and irreversible price downward trend and the global financial storm multiple squeeze; On the other hand, domestic national enterprises have not yet proved the direction of product upgrade, endless concepts make the market appear more chaotic. In the vicissitude of the industry, the pattern of advertising machine has undergone many significant changes. Always low-key Jin Yuan enterprise at this time has appeared on the stage, standing in the spotlight.

Post time: Oct-21-2022